

Ramiro Melgar, de la Unión de Actores, nos ha enviado esta carta de Gloria Manderlik ha enviado a la UNESCO para proteger el Teatro Albéniz.

Muchas gracias Gloria y muchas gracias Ramiro, nos estás ayudando muchísimo.

Gloria Mandelik, la renombrada bailarina, coreógrafa y maestra de Ballet Clásico, gracias a sus inquietudes intelectuales y artísticas, también ha dedicado buena parte de su energías creativas a la exploración de otras formas de danza, en particular la danza española e india.

La obra de Gloria Mandelik es una colección de piezas únicas, algunos de Ballet Clásico puro, mientras otros fusionan o contraponen elementos de danza española e india con el Ballet. Su estilo personal y la naturaleza insólita de su labor, imposible de limitar con etiquetas, la ha proporcionado la aprobación unánime de la crítica y el público.

Gracias a sus profundos conocimientos de estas otras formas de la danza, la hondura de percepción y la atención al detalle que enfoca en sus coreografías y enseñanza de Ballet Clásico ilumina la visión que comparte con sus alumnos. Algunos de sus discípulos más destacados han seguido el camino del éxito, actuando con compañías prestigiosas o formando compañías propías.


Asunto: carta

To the Director
Paris, France

Dear Sirs,

The purpose of this letter is to draw your attention to an outrage of
which I am sure you have already had many notices, in the hope that
you might be able to prevent it. I speak of the soon to be demolished
Albéniz Theater of Madrid, upon which site is to be constructed a commercial
center. We already have too many commercial centers, and not enough
theaters. The Albéniz is especially loved by dancers, actors and
musicians alike.

It is a true home for the arts and culture, and
apart from being an historical architecural landmark in this city, it is
also a repository of the history of dance and theater in modern Spain.

I take the liberty of adding my letter to the many I am sure you have
received because I had the honor of giving a recital of classical
Indian dance with a colleague in the UNESCO in December of 1975. You may see
the excellent reviews in your paper "Opinion" of February 1976, under
"activités culturelles" ; "Indian Dances" by Singh and G.V. Rao.

In the thirty years since then, I have done many things which you may
see in my website, www.gloriamandelik.com. Some of the most important
moments have been when I have danced in all-star galas such as that in homage
to Pilar Lopez and Mariemma, and presented the Gloria Mandelik Dance
Company during several seasons, in the Albéniz Theater.

The destruction of this theater would be like the destruction of the
home for all performing artists. I count on the UNESCO to take to heart
this worthy cause, the preservation of a beloved theater, the Albéniz
theater of Madrid.

Gloria Mandelik
(dancer, choreographer, teacher)

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